The Adventures of Michael Vincent

Posts tagged with connection

  1. F for Fantastic

    2023-02-28 12:06:46 UTC

    Sumin | A chance encounter led to this wonderful moment.Sumin and I had something in common. We both had our Cameras with us. As we approached each other, I smiled at her, she smiled back with curiosity looking at my Camera.She stopped and engaged me in conversation about my tiny…

  2. Humanism | Connection

    2022-11-10 18:34:45 UTC

    Connection is right at the heart of the human experience. Who we are is tied directly to the people we love. The image above communicated two stories to me. One, a lone figure on her phone in contrast to a mother fully engaged with her daughter. I could easily make…

  3. Immersive Image Creation

    2022-09-03 20:16:23 UTC

    I am experiencing a shift in my creation of images. This features everything I have learnt over the last 9 Years. Street Photography is such a dynamic expression. It demands so much from me; the number one core skill is a fearless get the shot spirit and mind set. I…

  4. SFS: Engagement

    2021-12-26 23:38:27 UTC

    A story in a single Frame has one objective; you get the point straight away. This moment was picture perfect as visual narratives go: Four people Two people, know each other - they were engaged with each other. On closer examination, the man on the left is on his phone,…

  5. The Joy Seeing | Connections

    2021-04-03 20:38:01 UTC

    I respond very quickly on the streets. When something catches my eye…it’s done. Such was the case with this moment. I shared this image on my Instagram feed. One of my followers is a friend of the gentleman on his bike. We connected through the various comments regarding this image.…

  6. 2020 Vision | Happiness

    2020-10-08 12:10:17 UTC

    This moment represents a perfect expression of happiness. Children have no concept of identity or ego - if they are lucky, before the age of 9, they can have an experience of life where curiosity, adventure and pure expressive being is fully alive. I saw this little boy and marvelled…

  7. 2020 Vision | Connection

    2020-04-23 10:42:17 UTC

    How do you know when you feel connected to someone. Are the eyes the window of the soul? I know that our eyes reveal a lot, to me I rely on eye contact to gage my connection. Eye contact and sustaining it can be intimidating. It can feel like and…

  8. 2020 Vision | Connected to Our Source

    2020-04-22 11:40:33 UTC

    Taking a walk through my park has become an even more important ritual in my life. I see it has become the same for others. The vibe feels different though. We are told to STAY HOME. This has fallen on deaf ears. I am deaf so I don’t count, I…

  9. Our Disconnected World

    2018-07-02 23:34:51 UTC

    Have we lost our way? I thought communication, sharing, conversation was a big part of our DNA, our humanity. Our broken connection is evident right in this provocative image. The iPhone was won. Social Media has our attention now. We have lost our hearts😢 You cannot tell my that technology…

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