The Adventures of Michael Vincent

Posts tagged with contemplation

  1. Contemplative Images

    2021-03-12 21:50:10 UTC

    I have started a new study with my Photography - Contemplation. Seeing deeply Feeling intently Allowing the moment to just be. This moment speaks volumes. Stillbess Early morning tiredness Confusion caused by Dementia. And… There’s my own internal sadness and documenting this cruel and brutal human experience. My Mother has…

  2. 30 Day Challenge Day 19: Slowing Down

    2021-03-07 02:24:56 UTC

    Slowing down. Contemplation. Seeing deeply. Allowing life to speak to me. In the space, I see and feel the deeper hidden context in the moment. The man made structures interacting with nature. Nature reflects back his vision on calm waters. I see deeply into nature. She sees deeply into me.…

  3. 30 Day Challenge Day 5: Contemplation

    2021-02-06 22:52:05 UTC

    This project is slowing me down. The rhythm of life doesn’t rush. Stop. Look. Feel. Listen. A thousand stories in one moment.

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