The Adventures of Michael Vincent

Posts tagged with creation

  1. 35mm | Creating Joy

    2022-08-10 16:07:54 UTC

    I have zero attachment to gear. I know what I like. I shoot Film with an old Canon A1 - it works fine. In 2013, I was toying with the idea of the 5D MK iii. I went with The Nikon D90 - I loved that camera. These two images…

  2. What’s The Point ?

    2022-03-22 19:13:05 UTC

    Colour, Light & Expression. What does it all mean?I can remember vividly the joy of holding a Photograph in my hand.The Joy was greater than the act of creating the image. The Act itself was full of joyful enthusiasm. The background intention was the joy of CREATION.This is it. Photography…

  3. Contemplating 22

    2022-01-23 14:51:32 UTC

    I have experienced a sense of apathy since the start of the year. What makes 2022 so special? I have no idea. I don’t really care. This is my beautiful apathy speaking. This image of mum was created about a week and a half ago. I caught this moment and…

  4. 2020 Vision | Creation

    2020-07-19 20:45:43 UTC

    Every creative act is in direct proportion to some opposition. The last year has seen my neighbourhood and life stressed by distraction and regeneration. I see the regeneration of my neighbourhood as a metaphor for my life right now. Out with the old, create space for something new. My childhood…

  5. A Message From Mother Nature

    2020-04-18 19:16:38 UTC

    Wake up and smell the Roses. This qoute could be considered as a way of appreciating all that Nature has to offer. This expression of life is truly magical. I love how this expression of life forces its intention from the bricks. In this expression, the force of colour and…

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