2020 Vision | Adventurous, Bold & Daring

Some of the best photographers in the world possess an adventurous spirit, mixed with a bold and daring vibe to their make up.

I recently signed up for an online course from Masters of Photography. My course tutor is Joel Meyerowitz.

His is simply fantastic.

50 years of photographing the streets of New York has given him an incredible insight into making the streets his stage and back drop for creating some deeply profound images.

In my first session on the course, I was left inspired to adopt a fearless attitude and spirit.

I realised I was playing too “safe” in my street photography.

The four images above led to an interesting confrontation.

Talk about fearless.

I thought the two Mercedes were empty. The bronze Mercedes was not. The owner, pulled down his window and asked me if I was taking “his” photograph? He asked a very simple question, in fact, he was polite and dignified, I responded in a like wise manner.

“No sir, your car looks beautiful in light, I am fascinated by classic cars, this neighbourhood is full of them. I didn’t realise you were in your car, if I had seen you I would have much more considerate and respectful”.

I showed him the image on the back of my camera and he was cool; “no problem”.

I went about my business.

“A kind manner turns away wrath”.

I learnt a valuable lesson today; if I am confronted, smile and be straight with people “yes did, I hope you don’t mind, in the split second I created the image you stepped into a pool of light which was too irresistible, you looked beautiful”

I will delete the image if asked too.

My intention is to create images not upset anyone’s day.

Adventurous, Bold and Daring comes with a responsibility to treat everyone I meet with dignity and respect.

Thanks for reading


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