Natural Frame | Perfect Vision

A natural Frame simply means getting what I see with no further adjustment, optical trickery like compression or depth expansion.

This is perfect vision - a clean Frame.

The two Lens which accommodate this are the 40mm & the 50mm. The 40mm allows a little more breathing space around my subject.

This is why the 40mm is my favourite prime Lens; it gives me the width of the 35mm with the refinement of cropping in like using a 50mm.

With 40mm, I can get as close as I choose and still retain context to my Frame.

The 50mm is a really beautiful Frame because it forces me to actively participate with what is happening right in front of me.

The 50mm is a contact sport - full engagement and interaction. One step forward two steps backwards. This Lens is like a chisel, working a block of marble. It chips away the edges of the Frame leaving a clean perfect Frame.

A clean and perfect Frame equals perfect vision.

Thanks for reading .

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