30 Day Challenge Day 23: One The Edge

30 Day Challenge Day 29: Life takes on many forms inside a context of individual expression. This I find very appealing to observe.

As you know, I am studying Contemplative Photography right now thanks to the excellent E-Book by @valeriejardin.

The first thing I did was look up the definition of the word.

Def: adjective
1. expressing or involving prolonged thought.

This got me thinking with regards to Images and how I create them.

My instincts and response time to a moment is very fast - with Zone Focusing, the Image is recorded and I am done.

Embracing Contemplation slows me down so much, I get twitchy feet - I want to WALK.

Contemplation to me means, watch, observe, thinking about what is going on right in front of me and be ready.

This moment features a young girl practicing her acrobatics on her Skateboard. While observing, I set my lens to 23mm, Aperture F11 and Auto ISO 640 with a Shutter Speed set to 1/250.

One more thing, I quickly set my Caneta to Burst mode Continuous High 8 Frames in one second.

“Expressive Life, On The Edge”.

Using Format