Change of Pace

I love my Toys.

Being an only child meant my Toys were my friends.

As much as I love my Fuji Cameras, Nikon is my first choice.

Recently, I have been creating images with The Nikon D700. This Camera came out in 2008.

In current terms, regarding its technology, it is a Dinosaur. It is only 12 Mega Pixles and slow-ish.

I dont care.

The D700 is still an outstanding imaging machine.

The Sensor delivers RAW files which when edited reveal the most gorgeous expression of Light and Colour I have ever seen.

This Camera has blown me away.

The D700 was hailed to high heaven on its first release. Photographers who used it still regard it as the best Camera they have ever used.

I am thoroughly enjoying my time with this beauty.

I have given my Fuji’s a rest.

In terms of Image qaulity and rendering, the D700 is very close to the Fuji X-Pro 1.

The Files look the same.

These images above were created with my X-Pro 1. To my eyes, they render beautifully like the D700.

I am using The Nikkor 28-70mm F3.5-4.5D. This Lens is my Dream Lens for the way my eyes work.

Its a perfect combination with the D700.

This image was shot at F22 using this Lens. The Lens is wonderful and sharp without being too clinical.

It handles all of the subjects I like with great agility: People, Places, Moments & Culture.

The D700 is a very heavy Camera - its is built like a tank, solid metal. This is why it has endured and been revered for so long.

I am very happy creating images with this tool.

Thanks for reading

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