Seeing Wider

Seeing wider with the XF 35mm 1.4.

That means creating a five image Panorama and stitching in Lightroom.

Using a 50mm Lens to create a Panorama is interesting - there is a natural feel to the finished image. I see exactly what I see.

My natural vision is wide due my right eye dominant condition. So I have a very natural wide angle vision.

What I find quite inspiring is knowing I have the skill set to create an image like this if all I have is a 50mm Lens.

This limitation forces an extra degree of creativity. Thank heavens we have the software to blend the images together into a seamless expression.

Seeing wider is very natural to my eyes so it makes sense to exploit this natural vision I have.

My Wide Angle kit is:

14mm, 16mm, 18, & the classic Frame of 35mm.

Seeing the wider expression is appreciating the expansive energy of life.

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