Embracing The Landscape

I really love seeing through the vision of The Wide Angle Lens. It gives me a very compelling and immersive experience to work with.

I found it complex at first.

With such a wide frame and deep, I realised I needed to be 100% responsible for the content I wish to enter this spectacular Frame.

This unique optical vision pushes and stretches everything in the Frame. My study right now is seeking out a landscape, urban or nature that is worthy of this optical magic.

Getting closer to a compelling foreground is required.

Seeking out a storytelling composition.

Using the correct aperture setting that renders a sharp image isall part of my study.

What I find of interest so far to my particular way of seeing is feeling the energy of environment right in front of me.

I call this setting the stage.

Once the stage is set, the various elements that make up the Frame must all contribute to a compelling visual narrative.

I am not a landscape photographer only because I don’t live anywhere near such an environment.

I think like one and use the techniques for my urban setting and cityscape observations.

To be continued.

Using Format