FV | Point of Vision

Fresh Vision for my photography is all about evolving from a gear head into an artist.

Becoming a visual artist is a slow process of self-discovery and self awareness.

Know thy self.

You have heard that phrase I am sure.

I know one thing about myself; who I am is a construction based on the drama of my life and existence.

I have a flash of memory about my childhood where the excitement of life was an adventure full of possibility.

Now, who I am has reached a point of existential re-evaluation. I am all played out like the ends of dead cigarettes.

I have no idea who I am or to put it more accurately, who I was designed to be in the eyes of God.

Whatever you hold God to be, just consider the possibility that nature is a visual reminder that there is an intelligence at work that governs all of life. This intelligence operates in perfect harmony and order.

Point of Vision is much deeper and broader than having a “point of view”. It has become my realisation that I need to expand myself and identity.

Expanding my identity is my mission now.

This is bigger than being a photographer.

My photography will still be a very important part of this evolution along with my work as a magician.

I feel this new journey will be an extraordinary and uncomfortable adventure.

“It is paradoxical, yet true, to say, that the more we know, the more ignorant we become in the absolute sense, for it is only through enlightenment that we become conscious of our limitations. Precisely one of the most gratifying results of intellectual evolution is the continuous opening up of new and greater prospects”.

Nikola Tesla

Thanks for reading

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