Life on the Edge

We come into this world empty.

Full of possibility.

Pure potential.

No Fear.

Since I started learning about Photography, I knew that I wanted to photograph people from all walks of life. I was surprised how confronting it was to asks  complete stranger that I found interesting, “can I take your photograph”? It took me weeks to overcome this barrier and fear of rejection. 

Once I got over the this mental dialogue it become very easy to walk up to strangers, engage them in conversation and in many case get the Portrait I was after. I force myself to unlearn this awful habit and fear. I was not born with the fear of people. I do know where that fear came from - it came from the bullying I experienced as a child at school. I saw people as a threat to my well being and safety.

I have to give thanks to the Gods that may be for arming with a deck of cards and a camera. Being a Magician by trade and now a social commentator with a Camera means I must engage with people and I do…….with no FEAR

These Skateboarders were really cool. 

I asked them if they wouldn’t mind me capturing some shots of them. 

ff they went into the bowl and I just set my camera to an Action Stopping Shutter Speed Priority of 1/500 - ISO 1600.

Using Format