Look, See, Feel & Create

My photography has taken an interesting turn this week. I have always felt, what is the point in taking a photograph is I don’t feel anything. This internal dialogue has been in my mind for quite some time now. This week, it all came together.

I came to The obviously and yet elusive awakening that I have been blessed with Eye to look at things, a mind to See, a Heart that can feel and the creative imagination to create something.

I am first and foremost a magician; I have studied the craft of magic since I was six years old. My mentors inspired me think, see, use my imagination and create beautiful magic they an audience can enjoy.

This process has slowly filtered its way into my Photography.

This week, I noticed myself just looking, seeing and thinking about what I saw. All of this before any images were created.

I realised now, after four years of study in this glorious craft, every images I create bring me joy.

Today, I saw a few moments of of sheer joy which spoke to me and I felt inspired to create.

Each of these three images communicated something powerful to me. If you read my last blog post, you will know that my images are now created with you in mind and that, I hope they inspire you to fill in the gaps with your own emotional content.

Finally, my images reveal three possibilities:

1: An Interesting Subject.

2: A Self Portrait - about me behind the Camera.

3: The Story you Create

Thank you. X

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