MW | My Approach to Black & White

I have heard many Photographers say “ I see in Black & White”.

This confused me.

I think logically and speak straight.

“Are you Colour Blind”?

“No”, would be the reply.

Being even more confused, I was too embarrassed to ask any further. I never bothered with Black & White Photography unless I was shooting a Roll of Film.

What follows is really interesting.

These images were created using my Canon EOS5 Film Camera. Its an old archaic beast and still works. The images were shot on a roll of Ilford 400.

This is my relationship to Black & White Photography. When I look at my film photos, I see shades of grey.

So this weeks study has been all about understanding the various shades of grey of primary colours when converted.

I consider this a successful processes because my common sense thinking has supported me in arriving at a workflow towards Monochrome Photography.

My Workflow.

Nothing changes.

I see colour and create images in colour.

My next stage is to decide during the editing process if an image has potential for a shades of grey interpretation. In fact, I may have this awareness during my shooting time.

Colour is my priority.

Shades of Grey a creative option.

I have decided to keep my X100F set to Monochrome. This will be my Black & White only Camera. It’s small enough to carry with me everywhere and create.

This is an ongoing study.

As I learn more about this, my database of knowledge mat guide me towards a greater expression.

Thanks for reading

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