Natural Frame

The 40mm Lens and field of view is coming round to be accepted as the correct optics for normal vision.

The 50mm & 35mm have a long history of images that has covered 20th century events. Two Lens adored by great masters and championed as first prime optics for students.

I have documented my feelings about the 40mm and they haven’t changed.

I read somewhere online that the diagonal measurements on the full frame sensors is approximately 43mm. This tells me the correct Lens is 40 mm. 40mm is the normal optical match for the sensor.

The 35mm & 50mm are the accepted standard.

To be honest, I love both of these Lens and use them interchangeably - just to keep my vision and skills sharp. I have spent enough time with all of my Lens, I know how they see, my brain calibrates and most importantly, I use the correct lens for whatever project I am working on.

I love the 40mm Field of View, it feels just perfect. I recently acquired the Upton Voightlander 40mm F2 for my Nikon and the Viltrox 27mm F1.2 Pro for my XT2.

The Viltrox 27mm F1.2 Pro is simply spectacular.

It’s BIG & Heavy Lens - it feels fine to me, I can handle it and will travel to The Netherlands with it next week.

I will have a much better feel for it after my trip but these images don’t lie. It’s very overcast in London right now so the light is flat, it’s ok, I document what I see.

The Natural Frame gives me what I see and wish to document. The 40mm is a very natural rendering of a scene without any optical trickery.

This field of view is perfect as an everyday Lens to document life in a natural way.

Thanks for reading.

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