The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. Moments of Intimacy

    2020-04-14 22:43:43 UTC
    Intimacy. There’s a word to strike terror in our hearts. I had a profound shift in my relationship with this word after completing The Landmark Forum. I was taught that physical proximity doesn’t equate with Intimacy. Intimacy is about having the courage to be truly seen by another. This means…

  2. Illness To Stillness

    2020-04-14 21:38:07 UTC
    The last few weeks have been horrible. Food Poisoning sucks big time. It robbed me of all vitality and joy. Add to this the global Pandemic of Covid-19 and looking after my mother who is firmly in the grip of Vascular Dementia, that should give you some idea of my…

  3. Lock Down

    2020-03-24 19:57:42 UTC
    I cannot believe what is happening. A Flu Virus killing everyone. The whole Country now in Lockdown.  Social Distancing adding to even more vulnerability. I still need to create an image per day, that’s my minimum. Getting out of the house is critical for my well being. Now, its a…

  4. Expressive Vision

    2020-03-12 14:12:27 UTC
    It’s a new decade. A time to really express my vision. Global news. Stories of doom, global panic, human loss and tragedy. Saying good bye to friends is never easy. Lasting moments, celebrating life, gratitude for time spent together. Appreciating time with mum even more precious. To Martina and Roy,…

  5. Precious Time

    2020-02-05 22:12:38 UTC
    The transient nature of life is unpredictable. How many heart beats left. Here today. Gone tomorrow. We live to die. Life continues its ebb and flow. Dear friends left, no time to say good by. Mum is still here, another day to my best until that dreadful.

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