Mixing Things Up

Lately, I have been using my Nikon D7100.

This imaging device is outstanding.

Everything I have learnt from using my Fuji Cameras have crossed over into my DSLR.

My Lens of choice has been the DX35mm 1.8G, the Street Zoom 18-140mm 3.5-5.6 and the Stunning 17-70mm F2.8-4 & the 50mm 1.4

I have been really testing my Wide Angle Vision with this set-up; I love it. My neighbourhood is very photogenic and perfect for the wider frame.

If the best Camera in the world is the one you have with you, then it makes sense to really learn how it functions to get the best out of it.

My reasons for using my DSLR is to mix up my education and studies. The  Mirrorless System is fantastic and yet, so are my Nikon Bodies.

I like to expand my skill set as much as possible. In using my Nikon, I have been seeing Wider at 18mm, Bracketing my Exposures and really testing and practicing my composition.

I had my friends Aljaz and his Son Julian over from the Netherlands. I enjoyed sharing my neighbourhood with them.

My DSLR functioned perfectly; all manner of subjects were created with great ease.

The 50mm 1.4 on my D7100 feels perfect to my eyes. It gives me a natural distance to how my eyes work.

50mm on my D7100 is 75mm which is perfect Portrait territory; the results are excellent.

My DX System is a fully compact and capable for all manner of subjects. In this age of technological advancement, I am delighted that my old camera functions like new and still delivers a perfect frame.

My Fujis are feeling neglected so next week I am off for a show in Amsterdam and a Lecture. I will bring both my X-T1s with the 18-55mm F2.8-4 and XF23mm 1.4.

Stay tuned.

Thanks for reading.

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