The Adventures of Michael Vincent

Posts tagged with shadows

  1. FV | Raw Power

    2023-01-20 21:46:08 UTC

    In the last year, my editing skills have improved. Thanks to Scott Kelby and his Books on Lightroom, I have a much better understanding of how to literally paint with Light. The Image above is The Raw File. Today, while on the Train home from Blackpool, I did an in…

  2. 100F | 50 Shades of Grey

    2022-05-19 15:56:17 UTC

    In the last 24 hours, creating Black & White images has taught me a lot. Its not Black & White. Its different shades of grey - with strong Blacks at one end of the spectrum and bright Whites at the other. It’s the 50 shades of grey in between that…

  3. Highlights & Shadows

    2022-05-11 20:16:49 UTC

    Cameras today have become Computers. They are now capable of seeing in the dark. The Human Eye has not been upgraded since man first walked the Earth and looked up to the Heavens. The Eye is truly a miraculous creation. It just cannot zoom in on subjects far away. If…

  4. SFS: Life In The Shadows

    2021-12-24 00:41:00 UTC

    Life in the shadows. Seeing the dark. Where the lift falls brings shape and form to the narrative. The most dramatic narrative are those moments where there is no light. Perhaps a slither of light to open up the conversation. Your imagination brings life to the characters into the scene.…

  5. Spot The Difference

    2021-08-25 10:07:40 UTC

    Spot Metering. It has taken me this long to understand it. I can’t explain why it confused me. The technical language behind its functionality is probably the cause of my co fusion. Once I grasp a concept, I practice like there’s no tomorrow, just to lock it in my mind…

  6. 2020 Vision | Seeing The Light

    2020-10-12 10:44:28 UTC

    Mr Eastman of Kodak once said, “light makes photography. Embrace light. Admire it. Love it. But above all, know light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to photography. Since completing my Online Course with Joel Meyerowitz, the Light has become a major subject…

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