The X-System | Looking For Stories

To tell a visual story requires a specific Lens.

As The Fuji Warrior, I am spoilt for choice:

XF 14mm




Technically speaking, a story can be told with a standard 50mm field of view.

This is fine if the nifty 50mm matches the natural vision of your eyes.

I love the 50mm Frame, however, it’s not my natural Frame.

My natural Frame is 28mm - this means my natural vision feels at home with the XF 18mm.

F2 or 1.4?

The new 1.4 sounds magnificent.

I am sticking with my 18mm F2.

The XF 18mm is my vision.

It comes to life at F5.6 - life on the streets come alive.

For grand vistas, its F8 upwards.

I am delighted this Lens has been upgraded. It doesn’t mean the F2 is no longer viable.

Technology moves on, but at what cost?

I rather upgrade my skills.

My images confirm to me I am getting the best out of my 18mm F2.

This is my favourite Lens in the entire X-System Ecosystem.

Thanks for reading

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