Viltrox 33mm 1.4

I have documented my feelings about this Lens.

To reiterate, I LOVE IT.

I love using it on my X-Pro 1.

For some strange reason, it feels like a perfect combination. I must confess, I was and still am lusting after Fuji’s new XF33mm 1.4; guess what?


The Viltrox 33mm 1.4 compliments the X-Pro1 and delivers perfect images.

I have zero complaints about this Viltrox, it works and to my eyes, I see a gorgeous rendering. The images have a dreamy lushness to my eyes.

As a Travel & Portrait specialist I need to trust my tools. Traveling light is a must; my tools must work and deliver.

The Viltriox 33mm 1.4 is perfect for rendering great Portraits.

I will be using this set up for the next week ahead.

Stay tuned.

Thanks for reading

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