Visions of Amsterdam | Dutch Culture

The following morning after our performance in Amsterdam, Rico took me for a walk around his neighbourhood.

He lives just one train stop away from the City Centre - Sloterdijk.

Sloterdijk is a quiet place and just off a main A1 Motorway. A suburb, residential homes and a 10 minute walk from the mainline station.

I was really taken by the Rainbow Walk path. It communicated to me the essence of Dutch Culture in light of Gay Pride LGBT; diversity, inclusion & acceptance.

The architecture of the environment was very photogenic to my eye. The light created interesting pockets and deep contrast.

The residential area communicated a peaceful and still energy. I felt it; it spoke to my own stillness - being deaf comes with certain benefits.

Rico took me to his Coffee Shop; it was a nice walk which I appreciated. The environment was expansive and charismatic.

The Coffee Shop was charming; the friendly staff welcomed us and we enjoyed our morning meditation with a deck of cards and great coffee.

This is how I enjoyed my day relaxing.

Later that evening, it was round two at The Chicago Venue in the city centre for The Amsterdam Magic Show.

To be continued.

“A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it”.

George A. Moore

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