Walking Meditation

I am still dealing with the impact of my Mother’s Death. There is no training for dealing with grief.

Well meaning friends suggested a Therapist dealing with Grief might be a good option. I just don’t want to talk about it. I consider it a pointless conversation that creates nothing.

I decided to become the architect of my own healing.

My own Therapy is tooted in Walking and Breathing. I go for long walks everyday. My Park is local and perfect.

With a camera around my neck, I can walk, breath, observe, see and create images.

Not thinking.

Just being.

I have come to accept that I will never get over the loss of my Mother.

Looking after her for three years is firmly rooted into my emotional memory.

The best I can strive and hope for is to live the rest of my life with love and gratitude for all she did for me and our family.

My walking meditation connects me to everything.

Breathing is the source of life.

Life continues.🙏🏽

Thanks for reading.

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