The Adventures of Michael Vincent

Posts tagged with Canon

  1. Vintage Lens

    2018-11-23 15:21:30 UTC

    Photography is a craft just like studying magic - so many avenues worthy of exploration. No room for boredom or complacency. I love shooting film - Fuji Film on my Canon A1 using the FD 28mm F2.8 and the 50mm 1.4. Recently, I attached these classic Lens to my Fuji…

  2. Slowing Down

    2018-08-06 22:00:53 UTC

    I discovered recently how lazy my photography had become. It was quite a subtle realisation. It all occurred when I purchased on eBay The Canon A1. The Canon A1 is a throw back to a time when Analogue 35mm Film Photography was the only game in town. The ISO of…

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