The Adventures of Michael Vincent

  1. BC-2025 | Trip To Lincoln

    February 10, 2025
    My Birthday is not until Friday 14th, however, my celebrations have begun. It started with a trip to Grantham to spend the weekend with my dear friend Heather. Grantham is part of Lincoln and this was my nearest station to get off. The image above is the spot where boy…

  2. Birthday Celebrations

    February 6, 2025
    2025 represents my 61st year around the Sun. It's a privilege to get this far in life. Since my mother died, life has held very little meaning for me with the exception of my work as a magician and this daily journal. So my celebrations for my 61st begins with…

  3. Two Lens Set-up | 56mm & 23mm

    February 4, 2025
    I really like the idea of a two Prime Lens Set-Up My Two Lens approach would feature the XF23mm 1.2 & The XF56mm 1.2 When the X-Pro 1 was first released, Fuji Film also gave us three Lens at the same time. A Perfect trilogy for most subjects: The XF18mm…

  4. 56mmm

    February 4, 2025
    Happy Days in more ways than one😃 My XF 56mm F1.2 became unusable. The Lens Mount became faulty, the Aperture Ring stopped clicking and became ver loose-became useless. It's an expensive piece of glass and I had not given it much usage from first audition. Fuji Film Uk repaired it…

  5. The Things I See

    January 20, 2025
    While I am not traveling at the moment, my images of late have been pretty much the same subject. Albeit at different times of day, they are not the same identical image. This keeps things interesting for me because it reveals a great sense of depth, context and mood for…

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