The Adventures of Michael Vincent

Posts tagged with Hope

  1. The X-System | Searching

    2022-02-05 00:25:24 UTC

    X-Pro 1 + The XF 27mm F2.8. A surprisingly effective combination. This formed my walk about kit today. My afternoon walks are simply to breath, clear my mind, and not think about anything. My walks are about stillness. Peace. Equanimity. I am searching without an agenda. For what? I can’t…

  2. A Moment To Cherish

    2021-09-14 20:06:22 UTC

    My morning ritual finds me enjoying a quiet moment in my local Bakery. Cappuccino. Camera on hand. And….. My Deck of Cards. This ritual connects and reminds me that I am a multi - dimensional expression of force energy. Carer, magicians, sleight of hand expert, teacher, speaker and coach. If…

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