The Adventures of Michael Vincent

Posts tagged with Jesus

  1. 2020 Vision | I see Jesus Everywhere

    2020-09-14 21:55:03 UTC

    My Daily walks are my sanctuary now. Camera in hand. Empty mind. Just walking. Observing. Seeing. Feeling. Waiting for life to say this is yours. I see Jesus in all his disguises. Disguised as plants. Sentient life form. My mother’s eyes, reveals his presence. Glorious light of the world. The…

  2. 2020 Vision | Reviewing My Archive

    2020-04-29 21:50:54 UTC

    This Lockdown has given me space to stop, breath and recalibrate myself and my life. Through my Images from five years ago, I see a driven man, inspired to bring a vision to life. The vision I speak of is an inner desire to create meaning for myself about what…

  3. A Spiritual Experience

    2019-08-06 20:44:42 UTC

    My visit to Buenos Aries was very moving and spiritual. I felt it. His presence was everywhere. I don’t feel the need to explain this or justify. This was an extraordinary experience in my life. My friends and I drove five hours to the town of Tandil. It was here…

  4. 3rd Day 2019

    2019-01-03 17:45:13 UTC

    Just finished a meeting with a friend at Church. Created this image. A Marble Statue of Jesus. I love it. I love Jesus. Out stretched arms, baring his wounds. It speaks to me - all is well, come to me. A beautiful invitation. To come and rest. Symbolic. On the…

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