The Adventures of Michael Vincent

Posts tagged with character

  1. Seeing People | Identity

    2022-07-24 10:05:57 UTC

    How we see ourselves is a very important part of our psyche. How other’s see us is part of their internal narrative and assumptions. My Camera has no opinion. It records and documents what I choose. The meaning and interpretation comes from me. We all wear many faces. The true…

  2. 2020 Vision | Rainbow Jam

    2020-09-13 17:07:26 UTC

    We all know the impact of seeing a Rainbow. It’s one of nature’s great gifts to us. How do you feel when you see a Rainbow? It’s a very personal moment, as if Mother Nature is saying, “this is for you”🌈 A Red Hat. Red Shoes Stylish Accessories. A Rainbow…

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