The Adventures of Michael Vincent

Posts tagged with presence

  1. Humanism | The Presence of People

    2022-12-05 12:09:34 UTC

    Humanism in Photography doesn’t always need to feature people. The presence of people is everywhere even without their physical being. In fact, I find the lack of physical being very powerful; it communicates a story about something. I can feel the emotion of a lost doll, someone in a hurry…

  2. 2020 Vision | In Gods Image

    2020-12-18 21:37:29 UTC

    Preserving her Dignity has become the greatest challenge and privilege of my life. Dementia doesn’t care. It has no opinion either way about my personal mission. It does its thing, slowly and insidiously, even when I strive to bond and connect. I succeed simply because each moment created in 35mm…

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