2020 Vision | Lockdown Study

As a professional magician, I still study the subject of magic and deception as an academic pursuit.

Studying the craft of magic like this is a great joy for me.

Photography is my other great love and I also love studying this subject with the same passion and intensity.

Technical Books on creating an image is no different to learning sleight hand.

Once I learnt the technique for creating a “creative exposure”, that was it. I started to focus on studying creative Composition, Story, Narrative, Emotional Content and the elusive element in an image that gives the moment purpose, meaning and impact.

Everything I have just written applies to magic.

Magic and Photography are tools to communicate and share a story.

I feel blessed to be part of this wonderful and creative outlet.

The BIG book above is a glorious study of images by Don MCCullin. This man has put his camera and safety on the front line. He has seen War, created images and lived to tell the tale.

I feel very proud to own this book.

It is full of creative expression, drama, and emotional impact. The expression of life in his images speaks to me and my project.

The Expression of Life speaks to all that I am.

I may never experience War, however, we are at War with our current crisis. The Covid-19 is a War against an invisible opponent.

This scares me because who can we fight back against?

This Book by Don McCullin inspires me to put my camera in the face of life and create a moment in time that reminds me of this privilege to be alive.

Thanks for reading x

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