2020 | Visual Artisry - Stairs

I have a thing for Stairs.

Don’t ask me why.

Stairs speaks to my muse.

My Visual Expression and Stairs get along just fine.

I can’t really explain why.

In Photographic terms, Stairs provide perfect leading lines to somewhere.


Not important, that’s for your imagination.

For my expression, I see and feel beauty in such a simple architectural concept.

The three images above can be felt as a so what or mundane expression of life. I saw an integral part of City Centre Zagreb and the infrastructure of Paddington Station.

Looking for the expression of life and beauty in the mundane- this is what speaks to me.

Stairs represent a breakthrough, a physical breakthrough in making life and movement easy. At the same time, making the design work with the urban landscape - this I find very appealing.

My Muse agrees.

My favourite Visual Expression of Stairs are the images below.

Private Members Club London

The Magic Circle

Heals Department Store - Cecil Brewer Staircase Built 1916.

So, my artistic vision is attracted to Stairs which forms a spectacular back drop to a special place. You would never expect such a beautiful Staircase in a department store.

This took my breath away.

So did this one.

It’s The Renaissance Hotel at St.Pancras

I was not attracted to Stairs when I started taking Image Creation seriously.

I had just come from China and realised I needed to learn this subject properly. China presented me with an opportunity to climb the steps of The Great Wall.

It took me and my friends about thirty minutes to reach the Summit of Hero’s Rock. I am willing to accept this experience set me up for a journey of appreciating the craftsmanship and design of extraordinary Stairs.

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