30 Day Challenge Day 18: 18-55mm

This Lens is so great, it cures gear acquisition syndrome.

The temptation is still present for more.

The discipline to go out and shoot suppresses all desire to spend on the next Lens.

Between 18 and 55mm, I get to live between the various focal length.

I love setting this Lens to around 27mm which gives me a field of view of 41mm in 35mm terms.

This is a gorgeous perspective.

Not too Wide.

Just enough context without being too cramped.

For portraits, I like setting the Lens just a smudging past 35mm at F3.6. This comes close to 55mm on full frame.

My Aperture for Portraits are from 2.8 up to F4. This gives me decent depth of field.

This Lens is a masterclass in choosing the right focal length for the subject and zooming with my feet to frame and work the scene.

There is a lot of value in presenting my focal length either side of the exactly Focal Length on the lens. This gives me options for how I want to physically engage with the scene.

This Lens is Fuji’s hidden secret.


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