35mm CF | 14mm Epic Frame

By now, you will know how much I love the Classic Frame of 35mm and its matching optics.

The slightly Wider Frame of 28mm is my natural visual expression.

28mm & 35mm are very close to each other so my choice in using one over the other comes down to my creative composition.

Its amazing how small the 18mm/28mm Lens is. It creates an image with plenty of breathing space and depth.

The are two more wider approaches to consider. The 16mm/24mm is as stunning Lens full of optical magic and wizardry rendering.

If I want to create images with an expansive expression and deep narrative, the 14mm/21mmFX is a super tool for this kind of image.

The XF14mm is a beautiful optics that creates true depth and epic views. This Lens deserves an epic subject like The Grand Canyon.

On my walk to the Hospital to see mum, I created a few images using the XF14mm.

It requires a natural foreground to lead the eye onto the frame.

Getting closer is imperative.

Sometimes, I like to break the rules.

Some subjects don’t need any support.

This Lens works perfectly for capturing the essence of a location.

I would use this on my travels because it is a really small Lens that delivers beyond expectation.

Thanks for reading.

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