35mm CF| Framing

The Wide Frame and context of the Classic Frame means more real estate to control.

What is left in or cropped out is an important consideration.

I am training myself to see the 35mm subject. I don’t like wasting my pixels - cropping after the fact is like killing my Frame.

I have come to truly respect my Frame.

Singular theme subjects and the 35mm Frame gives me plenty of room to work with.

Working with the 35mm Lens has taught about the value of seeing the Frame around my intended subject. Pre-visualising the Frame in my mind gives me a vital stand point to create my image from.

The 35mm means I must be aware of my Frame so any additional information contributes to the visual narrative.

I have said before, its worth repeating, The Classic Frame is a beautiful Canvass and Storyboard to tell a story.

I am sticking with this for the rest of the week.

Thanks for reading

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