35mm CF | Humans & Environment

I am expanding this study of the classic frame with a new context; Humans and Their Environment.

I find this to be an interesting focus for my training.

Here is how I will approach this.

First and foremost, I will be seeking a good compelling background.

And then, I will wait for my human element to enter the frame.

This means being patient.

This will be a different kind of creation because I will have no control over the human element. I am hoping the human elements fits the scene.

This image gave me the idea to explore this possibility.The two statues contrast well with human entering the frame on Camera left. I should have waited a second long before tripping the shutter.

I saw the Canoeist approaching from Camera right. This time, I waited until he entered. What’s interesting is the human element fits the context scene; Life on The Grand Union.

I will stick with this exercise for a few more days.

To be continued…

Thanks for reading

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