35mm CF | Layers Part 2

From the moment I got off the Bus, I started to see it; multiple subjects and stories.

It has always been there - I have always seen it.

What’s interesting is I was not aware of this context; Shooting in Layers.

My Camera is set to give me good depth of focus F8-F11

Auto ISO 200-3200

Shutter Speed 1/250 sec

All I need to do is read the streets and allow life to speak to me.

Seeing deeply is about expanding my awareness.

Everything is connected - there is no separation.

The energy of life animated all of us into expressive gesture.

An image with layers is about seeing how different elements relate to each other. I need to stop, be patient, observe and wait for the magic moment, when all the elements in the frame come together.

To be continued.

Thanks for reading…

Using Format