35mm Classic Frame

The Classic Frame of 35mm is the perfect Canvass.

If I could start my photographic journey again, I would stick with this and nothing else for a year.

My thinking is based on how my eyes work. I see wide so between 28mm and 50mm, the classic frame of 35mm paired with a 35mm Lens gives me a very natural perspective of the world.

Major Cities around the world like New York, Paris and Rome have all been capture by me using this epic Frame.

My studies this week has consolidated my visual frame and field of view for the 35mm Frame.

I can understand why Joel Meyerowitz felt at home with the 35mm - it gave him breathing space on the congested streets of New York. The 50mm was too tight a Frame.

The 35mm Lens and Frame is perfect for capturing a story in a single Frame. This Frame I believe is perfect for multiple layers.

An Environmental Portrait is a wonderful way to communicate a certain gesture or expression about a person with additional content.

So, this project has been a study on learning how to get the best out of this classic combination.

Thanks for reading

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