An Expression of Life | An Ongoing Celebration

This project will continue.

My future post will feature different names however, I now know what my muse is when creating images.

The expression of life and humanity has always been my dharma.

My life has been an ongoing expression. For me, finding my voice and sharing it with the world has been difficult. I got trapped in the noise of other people’s beliefs and opinions about how my life should be.

Finally, I woke up and saw the truth.

This project has shown me life in a most beautiful way.

It has brought to my attention the authenticity of a life expressed beyond fears, other people’s opinions and it has given me a freedom to honestly express my point of view.

I am grateful to Photography.

Photography is not about the camera I use.

It is about feeling, seeing, imagining and using whatever camera I happen to have, to create something that is an honest and authentic representing of my thoughts, feelings and vision.

This is my Photography.

This my expression of life.

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