Another Day Of Gorgeous Light

It’s silly to complain about Light.

Like we have a say in the matter.

My job is to understand her quality and direction that’s all.

It’s a relationship.

At times, a frustrating one.

Other times, a tap dance of loving bliss.

The images today would have looked so different yesterday and will be a different vibe tomorrow.


Because my love interest has mood swings.

She enjoys playing with my vision.

Some days my mood swings big time.

I think I final get it.

Like a surfer on a board chasing a big jaws like wave, they must stay in the board or crash and burn.

My only job, is to completely and faithful surrender to the light and her magic.

Commitment with zero attachment to what may come.

Now, I allow her to speak to me.

I do my best to pay attention, listen and respond.

This is love in action.

This is passion.

This is heaven on Earth.

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