Beautiful Life

As I watch my mother in hospital, at no time do I feel resentful towards this experience I am having.

Life has presented me with an opportunity to dig deeper into this human narrative and seek out the beauty in this reality…..sad as it is.

Let’s go back in time.

This is mum in mid 1960.

I am about 5 years old.

This image communicates to me the depth of her love and commitment.

A family of two.

That was us.

No Father.

She had me wearing suits long before I shuffled my first deck of cards.

My Sunday best clothing for Church set in motion a context for my life.

First, faith in God - whatever you hold God to be is fine. In my home, my Bible studies began with mum.

My faith is rooted in the belief she is ok.

As the clock ticks, time reminds me to seek the beauty in life, to express love to everyone, with a kind heart and a warm smile.

My mother raised me this way.

I will honour my upbringing.

I will continue to hold the space for my mother.

Today, I saw beauty in the light.

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them - that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like”.

Lao Tzu

Thanks for reading.

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