Busan -A City Of Visual Delights

It’s important to me to explore; Busan is a big city and getting around needs to be addressed so that I could navigate with ease. My friend Ed and I grabbed a cab down to the sea front to get a sense of the place. It’s a visually arresting place.

Busan sits right on the southern east coast of Korea. The Ocean is heaven to me - I just love being near water. From the coastline, the city skyrise and mountaintop apartments tells a congested story of life.

A walk through the local market gave a real sense of the daily hustle. Street Food being prepared, the ocean daily catch of fish skinned for the next meal. Tourist are well and truly catered for because food is ready and on tap. This scene sums up South Korea for me, life, energy, intention and survival.

Life in Busan is in its people.

Photography is about life, expression and moments worth capturing. Life in Busan echos life anywhere in the world. People being themselves, going about their lives. Me, a gregarious Street Photographer, looking for moments, opportunities of interest to create portraits is all part off my photographic style and muse.

My time here is very short.

Just as my jet lag begins to adjust I will be traveling home - yuk. Nevertheless, I am grateful to be back here and record my adventure.

Until next time.

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