Carnival 2019

The Nottinghill Carnival has become an institution for West London. This event is a celebration of freedom, expression and diversity before this word became part of our current day lexicon.

The image above reflects the new controlled layout, no walking in the street at this entry point to Westbourne Park.

It’s all about crowed control.

I hate it.

Today, I saw what looked like a body scanner which people had to walk through. This is what Carnival has become.

In spite of this, Carnival has not lost its purpose - music, colourful presentations and of course The Police.

People is what Carnival is about.

This is an easy event to document. I look for faces, I strike up conversations and create images.

Sunday is a much milder parade.

Monday - forget about it, too many people in such a small area.

Mum was happy, she got a portrait with Mr Reggae Sauce himself, Levi Roots.

I’m happy that the Notting Hill Carnival has managed to last all these years. This is a very important part of the culture of West London. We the people are the Notting Hill Carnival, the security measures in place now has robbed the event of its natural spontaneity.

I can fully understand and except why these things are in place now. I put myself in the place of the Police, I can tell you, I would be very apprehensive doing their job, trying to manage so many people. They deserve a lot of credit for their hard work. It’s also wonderful seeing them participate in the event. They deserve a huge acknowledgement for keeping us safe.

Until next year🎭

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