Carnival 2022 | Final Thoughts

The joy of Carnival 2022 is a tribute to the people who came with one intention; to celebrate.

It was astonishing to see normal people behind their stalls preparing food and sharing their joy of Caribbean Culture.

People cued up patiently in order to partake in the experience.

The atmosphere was chilled, people were relaxed in the ambience of it all.

This was a unique experience for me because I have never felt so relaxed creating images like this. I normally avoid crowds - I find such situations overwhelming.

These final edits are a lovely tribute to everyone who contributed to this success.

I dedicate this post to Rapper Takayo Nembhard who was stabbed to death not far from where these images were created.

I apologies for ending my post like this. The truth must be documented. The joy and pain of life is a strange paradox - we can’t have one without the other, they both create each other.

Thanks for reading

“Life and death are one thread, the same line viewed from different sides”.

Lao Tzu

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