FV | A Celebration of Life

A fresh vision of life began with the transition of my Mother.

Her passing has created space of love for me to re-connect with our family.

It began last night when my cousins Sumaya and Lauralee joined me at The Magic Circle to see my show. It was a great joy seeing them in the audience.

It has been at least a decade since I saw them. Lauralee I saw a few years ago in Washington D.C.

The death of my Mother has brought the family over to attend her Funeral. It is all set for Monday.

We were out and about today experiencing London today.

I took this opportunity to create some family memories.

My cousin Alexa is stunningly beautiful.

This time together has shown me how much my mother was loved.

I feel mums love and presence through my cousins.

This is my family. 🙏🏽🦋🙏🏽

“The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life”.

Richard Bach

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