FV | A Landscape of Mystery

The Human Face.

A Landscape of Mystery.

A DNA composite of Mum & Dad.

Who am I?

Who are You?

What is the narrative behind the eyes; the window to the soul?

I am fascinated by the human face; we all look so different and yet, we all share the basic human needs.

Every Portrait I create is a Self Portrait.

The Portrait reveals who I am; my subject surrenders to me and my camera because they put their trust in me. The image is a result of their total trust and rapport. This is a beautiful thing because in this world right now, trust is a precious commodity.

I love creating Portraits because it is proof positive to me that I can generate a feeling of safety, good will and inspire confidence in how people feel about themselves.

This is the magic of a great Portrait Image.

Thanks for reading.

“You must trust and believe in people or life becomes impossible”.

Anton Chekhov

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