FV | Moments

Fresh Vision is gathering momentum now.

It’s all about moments.

Seeing possibilities and responding.

Having my Camera with my at ALL TIMES, ensures that I am ready to respond to the moment that reveals itself to me.

At the moment, one of my Projects is capturing Stillness as a concept. I find that a Cafe or Coffee Shop is the perfect setting for this possibility to unfold.

I experienced pure stillness in these moments. Observing people in this moment allowed me to experience my internal peace.

Yesterday, I found myself back at work. It was great fun documenting am afternoon Lunch. After two years of not working, I felt my rhythm return while documenting great moments. I will do a longer post on this once I have prepared all the ages.

Moments are everywhere screaming for attention.

Being open to moments, tunes and sharpens my observation, I feel connected to life and others.

My Camera in my life is such a wonderful gift to truly see the majesty of it all, it all if its various disguises.

Thanks for reading

“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light”.

Aristotle Onassis

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