FW | Sweet 16

I am traveling to Poland on Friday and I am really feeling the vision of my 16mm. I will need to travel light due to Ryanair 10KG weight restrictions. This means my X-T1 paired with the Fujicron 16mm F2 and my second body paired with the stunning 18-55mm F2.8-4.

The wide angle vision of the 16mm is my optics for establishing the context of a place. The environment is my subject.

The environment comes first and any human element adds detail to the frame.

My wide angle vision is nicely set at 24mm-28mm & 35mm. I feel comfortable seeing wide and these Lens match how my eyes work.

I love seeing the layers and various elements that make up the Frame. It really tells a story about the environment I am in.

Detail shots with this Lens is very easy - take a few steps closer and frame. So much versatility in such an amazing Lens.

The 16/24mm Frames adds a bit of optical trickery to the moment by stretching and pushing back. Getting in close to a foreground element adds balance by opening up the frame with a visual punch.

I feel set for the next week ahead.

I will practice some more and embrace life with my wide vision.

Thanks for reading.

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