Highlights & Shadows

Cameras today have become Computers. They are now capable of seeing in the dark.

The Human Eye has not been upgraded since man first walked the Earth and looked up to the Heavens.

The Eye is truly a miraculous creation.

It just cannot zoom in on subjects far away. If you remember The Bionic Man Steve Austin, he had a Bionic Eye which could zoom far off into the distance.

The one thing a Human Eye can do is calibrate a scene between Bright and Dark areas. This means the Human Eye can handle the Dynamic Range in a scene far better than the most sophisticated Cameras today. Modern Cameras and Sensors are catching up.

These images are exactly what my Eyes saw. The Camera Raw File was a lot darker because I set my exposure for the brightest part in the scene.

I always pay attention to my Highlights now and set my exposure accordingly.

These images were all underexposed to preserve the integrity of the brightest parts. I knew shooting RAW, I could reveal good quality detail in the dark underexposed areas.

This is why I shoot RAW exclusively.

I found using Lightroom confusing.

Thanks to Kelby’s 7 Point System my editing of my images is now a breezy affair. In facf, I create my images with the Edit & Print in mind now.

The tap dancing between the Light & Shadows gives the image shape, form and texture.

I love this role play.

Thanks for reading 🌓

Using Format