My Two Favorites

When it comes to my tools of choice, hands down, The X-Pro 1 & The Nikon D700 are my absolute favourite Cameras.

These two are my everyday Cameras; let me show you why.

Take a look at these two images.

Can you tell which Camera took each image?

I promise you, they were both taken using the D700 and The X-Pro 1.

When I look at both images, I am astounded by the image quality.

The D700 is an FX Full Frame Sensor at 12 mega pixles

The X-Pro 1 is a Crop Sensor at 16 mega pixles

The D700 came out in 2008; The X-Pro 1 is now 10 years old. The technology is seriously fantastic between these two models. And yet, both Cameras as of now are old in comparison to the latest development in the market place.

This raises a very important question.

Why do I use these Cameras today 2022?

The Image quality speaks volumes.

The Colour profile and rendering is just beautiful to my eyes.

It’s as simple as that.

I just love the way my images look coming out of both cameras.

So these Cameras may be old but they are still very capable of delivering excellent results.

Thanks for reading.

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