
I found Newcastle to be very photogenic. St James’s Park is home to Newcastle United Football Club. It is very close to the Train station.

I was there on Monday Lecturing to The Newcastle Magic Circle.

My time was short.

Three hour Train Journey so not enough time to explore.

The highlight was meeting Marcella.

She was the receptionist at The Premier Inn where stayed for the night. She was friendly and engaging. I discovered she loves Film Photography. She saw my X-T1 hanging round my neck and though it was an analogue Camera. She immediately looked me up on Instagram.

My Policy when meeting people is simple; every single person I meet is a potential Portrait Subject.

All I have to do is ask

So I did.

Her Portrait is lovely.

As you now know, I always have two XT1 Camera’s with me; The 18mm F2 is my normal everyday vision. I have the the XF35mm 1.4 on my 2nd body for moments like this; it is perfect as a Portrait Lens.

Having my Cameras with me means I will create images no matter what.

Life is alive.


I am ready.

I am The Fuji Warrior.

Thanks for reading

“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy”.

Rabindranath Tagore

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