One Perfect Moment

During this Covid-19 Lockdown, I am going through my Archive.

What find interesting in reviewing my images from 2015/16 is the fact that I am not the same person now who created these images.

I have transformed.

So, I am seeing the work of someone who no longer exist.

These image got created almost the instant I came out of South Kensington Station one afternoon.

I saw this couple and was enchanted by their interaction with each other, particularly the woman.

Nothing else existed for her in this moment.

That’s how I felt seeing this moment in 2016


Image created…..done

Thought nothing more about.

What do I see now in reviewing this image?

Good question.

I am present to my own internal filter right now given the current Pandemic.

There is no issue of Social Distancing or Self Isolation present here.

What I see and feel is a pure expression of love being expressed and wholeheartedly received.

The power of vulnerability is present.

Why is this word associated with being weak?

In order to know the true depth of our CAPACITY to love, we must be willing and courageous to risk everything, for the paradox at play is straight out of the second verse of The Tao Te Ching.

Love and Pain are the flip side of each other.

We can’t have one without the other being present.

This is the great way.

This life right now is indicative of Lao Tzu’s Teachings.

This image is a wonderful reminder for me that life to be full experienced must be lived knowing full well I will screw up, experience all then negative emotions that come with being vulnerable.

On the flip side is the joy of being full alive and self expressed with nothing in the way of of my honesty.

Big thanks to the woman in this image.

Thanks for reading.

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