Photographic Identity

Identity is an interesting concept to me. When we come into this board game called Life, we came not knowing the rules of the game. This context leaves us at a distinct disadvantage. We are useless for the first few years of our lives. We need support from our environment to be safe, loved, well fed, clean and secure. This base line mode of operation is the foundation for everything that follows.

Guess what?

For many, this start to the board game called Life proves a nightmare.

Our DNA has everything we need to flourish. It’s a tragedy if the secret message in our DNA is not actualised.

For me, I was lucky.

My Mother created the best possible environment for us as a family of 2.

Always two, no more, no less.

My identity is rooted in the expression of love. I know this to be true because my journey on this board game called Life has brought me a lot of pain and disappointment.

This is the great paradox Lao Tzu speaks of in his 2nd verse.

In seeking for and expressing Love, the flip side will be disappointment, upset, betrayal, loss, all of which must be endured.

My Photographic Identity is rooted in this expression. This shows up based on how I feel, what I see that moves me, the expression of life in all of its manifestations.

Nature reminds me that all that is born must blossom. That energy of life must burst forth in glorious expression. Water is the source fuel that nurtures all seeds into creative expression.

This glorious expression is written on an honest face.

Animals don’t lie, it is contrary to their nature.

My Photographic Identity is drawn to Truth. Sometimes, the Truth reveals a dark ugly narrative.

My Camera doesn’t lie; it will never present me with an image that I didn’t see or feel. It supports my vision and quest to document the truth about this board game called Life.

We are a partnership.

A Team.

It’s our story.

Thanks for reading 🙏🏽

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